September 01, 2004


Welcome to the Erosophers' Den! Unlike most philosophers, we erosophers hunger for wisdom like most people hunger for good sex. We like nothing better than a long, steamy night of intellectual exchange, although we're not above having our Socratic dialogues interrupted by more Alcibidian revels. We ask "What's your theory?" the way most people ask "What's your sign?" Come in, look around, and join the great brain orgy in the Erosophers' Den!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 1, 2004 at 1:15 PM  
Blogger Princess Joya said...

hehe... wow, with an introduction like that, i'm a little apprehensive about posting anything even vaguely intellectual in the fear that it might not live up to the denners' collective expectations! But i'm glad someone finally took the initiative! and hopefully, now the rest of you lazy (slash busy) bums will follow our example and do some blogging! i hope that given my precedent, this doesn't degenerate into a swapping-news blog, though that wouldn't be unwelcome either, provided it didnt become a regular phenomenon. Thank you Patty!

September 3, 2004 at 9:20 PM  
Blogger Erosopher said...

I was only censoring myself, if you could even call it that. For those of you reluctant to join our conclave for fear of being silenced, fear not: That first was my test post, and anyway, if I'm not mistaken, you may even have the ability to censor each other.

If nothing else, if we're all too busy to write, we'll certainly be too busy to censor.

So :-P

September 4, 2004 at 6:12 PM  

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